Ajaloohõnguline puhkus Kuressaare südames
Kuressaare kesklinnas, lossipargi vahetus läheduses asuvad 2015.aastal restaureeritud ajaloolised korterid. Pargi tänav 1 hoonestust on ajaloos esmakordselt mainitud 1780. aasta linnaplaanidel. Maja omanik ja elanik oli siis linna bürgermeister Ernst Gottlieb Schmidt (1823- 1900).
On tõeline luksus veeta puhkus idüllilises ja ajaloolises külaliskorteris, mis on 3 minuti kaugusel parimatest restoranidest, kohvikutest, kontsertidest ja muidugi Kuressaare peamisest vaatamisväärsusest - Kuressaare linnusest.
Pargimaja apartments are in the very centre of Kuressaare town, just next to the park and Kuressaare Castle. Apartment building, which was first mentioned in 1780, is freshly renovated in 2015. 1857 – 1900 it was owned by Kuressaare mayor Ernst Gottlieb Schmidt (1823- 1900).
It is a real luxury to spend your vacation in idyllic and historical area, from where it is 3 minutes walk to the best restaurants, café´s, concerts and also to the main attraction – Kuressaare Castle.
It is a real luxury to spend your vacation in idyllic and historical area, from where it is 3 minutes walk to the best restaurants, café´s, concerts and also to the main attraction – Kuressaare Castle.
Külaliskorterid | Apartments
Korterid on sisustatud miljööväärtuslikult, 1930-40ndate aastate stiilis. Korterites on olemas vajalik köögitehnika (nõudepesumasin, mikrolaineahi, röster, veekeetja, filterkohvimasin, külmik, sügavkülmik), televiisor, triikimistarvikud, rätikud, konditsioneer. wifi,pesemisvõimalused.
Soovi korral saab juurde tellida lisavoodi nii lapsele kui ka täiskasvanule.
Soovi korral saab juurde tellida lisavoodi nii lapsele kui ka täiskasvanule.
Apartments are furnished romantically and are inspired by the surroundings. All apartments are equipped with necessary kitchen equipment (dishwasher, microwave, toaster, kettle, fridge etc.), TV, iron/iron-board, air conditioning and free wifi.
Extra bed can be ordered for children and grown-ups.
Extra bed can be ordered for children and grown-ups.
Korter 2
Inimeste arv: 2 + 2
Korteri suurus: 68 m2
Külaliskorter asub esimesel korrusel, vaatega pargile ja tänavale. Korteris on eraldi köök ja 12 m2-ne terrass. Magamistoas on lai voodi kahele, võimalusega eraldada kaheks eraldi voodiks. Elutoas on diivanvoodi (lahtisena 1,4 m lai magamisala).
Apartment 2
Accommodates: 2 + 2
Size: 68 m2
Apartment is located on first floor, with the view to the park and street. There is a separate kitchen and terrace as big as 12 m2. In the bedroom is double bed, which can be made up to twin beds. Living room has open-up sofabed (width 1,4 m2).
Size: 68 m2
Apartment is located on first floor, with the view to the park and street. There is a separate kitchen and terrace as big as 12 m2. In the bedroom is double bed, which can be made up to twin beds. Living room has open-up sofabed (width 1,4 m2).
Korter 3
Inimeste arv: 2 + 2
Korteri suurus: 66 m2
Külaliskorter asub esimesel korrusel, vaatega sisehoovi. Ajalooliselt bürgermeistri eluruumid on neile, kes tahavad nautida rahu.
Magamistoas on lai voodi kahele, võimalusega eraldada kaheks eraldi voodiks. Köök-elutoas on diivanvoodi (lahtisena 1,4 m lai magamisala). Korteri juurde kuulub 12 m2 terrass.
Apartment 3
Accommodates: 2 + 2
Size: 66 m2
Apartment is located on first floor, with the view to the yard. Historically the part of the building, where the mayor used to live. In the bedroom is double bed, which can be made up to twin beds. Kitchen - living room has open-up sofabed (width 1,4 m2). Apartment has its own terrace as big as 12 m2.
Korter 5
Inimeste arv: 2 + 2
Korteri suurus: 53 m2
See valgusküllane külaliskorter asub teisel korrusel, aknast avanemas romantiline vaade pargile. Korteris on eraldi köök, elutuba koos diivanvoodiga (lahtisena 1,4 m lai magamisala). Magamistoas lai voodi kahele, võimalusega eraldada kaheks eraldi voodiks.
Apartment 5
Accommodates: 2 + 2
Size: 53 m2
This bright apartment situates on the second floor, with romantic view to the park. Apartment has separate kitchen. In the bedroom is double bed, which can be made up to twin beds. Living room has open-up sofabed (width 1,4 m2). Apartment has shower and a bathtub.
Korter 6
Inimeste arv: 2 + 2
Korteri suurus: 41 m2
Külaliskorter asub teisel korrusel, vaatega hoovile. Hea võimalus nautida vaikust ja rahu. Magamistoas on lai voodi kahele, võimalusega eraldada kaheks eraldi voodiks. Köök-elutoas on diivanvoodi (lahtisena 1,4 m lai magamisala).
Apartment 6
Accommodates: 2 + 2
Size: 41 m2
Apartment is located on the second floor, with the view to the yard. Good opportunity to enjoy some peace and quiet. In the bedroom is double bed, which can be made up to twin beds. Kitchen - living room has open-up sofabed (width 1,4 m2).
Korter 2 
Suurus: 57m2, lisaks terrass
Hind: 150 000 eur

Suurus: 57m2, lisaks terrass
Hind: 150 000 eur
Korter 3
Suurus: 58,6m2, lisaks terrass
Hind: 159 000 eur

Suurus: 58,6m2, lisaks terrass
Hind: 159 000 eur
Korter 5
Suurus: 53,4m2
Hind: 149 000 eur

Suurus: 53,4m2
Hind: 149 000 eur
Korter 6
Suurus: 40,6m2
Hind: 122 000 eur

Suurus: 40,6m2
Hind: 122 000 eur